But apart from the ability to create cities the discovery of the 5,000 year old tablets with well detailed characters holds very interesting clues to the history of man and also insights into the Sumerian culture and beliefs.
Similarities in the Sumerian Tablets and the Bible
The Eridu Genesis is from a fragmented tablet excavated in Nippur, its also the earliest record of the Sumerian Creation and flood. The flood is similar to the bibles story of Noah and his Ark, complete with the building of the Ark, the pairs of animals and of course the flood.
Taken from the Sumerian creation myth.
Apart from the similarities to the story of Noah and his ark, there seem to be even more similarities between the Sumerian text and the Bible, but I’m going to move on to another interesting revelation by the Sumerian Tablets..
The Creation of Man According to the Sumerian Texts
Here’s a nice video taken from Ancient Aliens, a series on the history channel. Its nice to see a variety of people speaking about creation from the terms of the Sumerian texts. It does touch upon the similarities in the Bible and the Sumerian texts, although it doesn’t dig too deep it gives a good overview and has a couple of interesting views from some prominent researches such as, Erich von Däniken, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, David Childress and more.
Way Ahead of their Time
How did the Sumerians have such in depth info on such a wide range of topics? The ability to write and build cities. I’m not sure if this is intelligence but the Sumerians even documented the process of making Beer!
Apart from this, I managed to put two things together, during the invasion of Persia by the Muslims the Irani community that never converted to Islam, chose to leave modern day Iran and seek refuge elsewhere. A lot of them came to India, their symbol the Faravahar is identical to the Sumerian God of the sky.
If you browse through the resources below you will find a lot of the Sumerians scriptures have found its way into the Bible, if you yourself are a truth seeker, its very interesting how it got there and is equally important.
For those of you who are interested in a scientific and scholarly argument for ancient extra terrestrial visits to our Earth. Zecharia Sitchin the author of The Earth Chronicles series of books who claims the Sumerian clay tablets reveal that gods from another planet (Nibiru, which orbits our Sun every 3,600 years) arrived on Earth some 450,000 years ago.
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