Finding yourself, really getting to know who you are, down to the most minute intricacies, and all you are capable of — that's what those "running things" fear most and are so busy trying to get in the middle of. It's precisely why I don't buy a ticket to their circus.
Is it wrong for government agencies to spy on us? Yes, of course.
Have the fear-based psychological operations being carried out by the mainstream media by way of their "news" programs and publications changed how I feel about important issues like liberty, war, privacy, government spying and spending, debt, the U.S. Constitution, central banking, and The Fed? Not one bit.
Do I recall any instance in which the mainstream media's tactics of manipulating through fear have in some way affected how I express my dissent? Yes. If anything, it's strengthened my will to resist, but not by becoming engaged the way they want me to.
I choose to expose the left vs. right paradigm for what it is — a fraud — instead of picking a "side" and attacking the other. I realize this deluded paradigm was strategically designed (divide and conquer) to break us up and disempower us.
I feel it's a very delicate balance one aims for — assuring one is aware of what's happening, being informed — but also being careful not to linger on the negative, for that's one primary objective of those waging this war on our consciousness. It's their sad attempt to get into our heads, and to stay there, for the long haul. Very little of what is performed for us in their circus can ever be taken at face value, it's an intricate web of deception designed to engage you and never let you go once it's reeled you in.
So yes, be informed, keep an eye and ear to the street, know what's happening, but you must also study history, and make use of it. Their game plan has not changed much over time. When you know how they operate you remain beyond their reach.
Once you do find yourself freed of the traps so many are caught up in and are on the path the rest of us are on, don't keep what you learn to yourself. Always do what you can to help wake others. One day at a time is all we do.
The Arcane Front:
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